Monday, June 11, 2007

Do Weight Loss Pills Really Work?

If you listen to the advertisements, you'll come to believe that diet pills will provide miracle cures for weight problems, stripping away fat and leaving you with a healthier, fitter, more beautiful body in days. But do weight loss pills really work? And even more importantly, are they safe to use?

Some weight loss pills work by blocking an enzyme that controls the absorption of fat by the body. When fat cannot be used by the body, it enters the intestines and eventually is excreted. However, a large influx of fat into the intestines can cause pain, bloating, cramping, and diarrhea. Therefore, users dieters eat a very low-fat diet while taking this pill.

Another method of weight loss through pills is to suppress the appetite, making it easier to eat less. While this sounds like a good idea in theory, it can be dangerous in practice. Appetite suppression is usually achieved through ramping up the metabolism, which can lead to trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating, high blood pressure, and even heart attacks.

In general, weight loss pills can be effective if used properly. They should be taken only for very short periods of time, and true diet medication can only be prescribed by a doctor. If you take an over-the-counter diet pill, be certain to follow the directions to the letter. Ignoring the warnings could have serious consequences for your health.

The weight loss pills that you should be most concerned about are herbal remedies. Herbal weight loss pills are not regulated by the FDA, and there is usually little or no scientific data to prove their effectiveness. The concentration of active ingredients can vary wildly from manufacturer to manufacturer, meaning that the effect can be dramatically weaker or stronger than you expect.

Remember that just because a diet pill is herbal doesn't mean it's safe – and in some cases, it may actually be more dangerous. Use all weight loss pills with caution, and talk to your doctor immediately if you experience side effects.

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